Friday, June 11, 2010

Robin Hood

Why is Robin Hood a hero? He steals and deceives yet people love him. Weather fictional or real people many of them love him. And why do they love him? Both very great questions to ask yourself with even better answers. For one Robin Hood is a man, he's human. He feels pain and loves like everyone else. He feels a great sense of injustice and feels for the people receiving it. Robin is a very honest and good person. Which brings us to my next point. To begin lets just clear something up, Robin Hood was no servant or courageous peasant. He was in a position of power. He was of the nobles, he could have been patient and eventually gotten enough people to side with him on matters but how many people would have been killed if he had done that? His voice would have been heard and if not acted upon at least acknowledged. He had land with food and money readily available. But what does he do? He gives it all up to do what? To help the poor? To steal from the rich? What's the point? What's so great about a man who gave up everything to become a thief, who gave all of his goods to others often better off then himself now that he's given everything away. Some would call that stupidity. Now the truth that is often hidden from those who do not look is the reason he has become a hero. Why he gave up all he had to become an outlaw. The vary reason is this, he did what so many honor men in our history for doing but would rarely to themselves. He stood up for what was good, what was right and as cliche as it might sound, he stood up for what he believed to be true, what he believed was right. The truths he knew his country deserved. This is why he has become a renown hero! He may not have super powers and he may not have been famous or rich or even fed. Yet these are things that make him the incredible, beloved, and respected hero that he is and was. The fact that anyone, especially some with power, would give away all they have amazed people and they long to think that they would do the same for their own home, people and country. But again this is what made him the hero he is.

So I'll tell you why the people love him. They love him simply because he loves them, loves them so much that he gave up his entire like to starve for their rights and freedom when no one would. How can ordinary people say they would be like him if they can't defend their little brother from bullies in the 2nd grade. Now if you can tell me why Robin is thought of as a hero then I applaud you. For those of you who can't then listen closely. T begin Robin was not given a bow and arrow then told to shoot miraculously having perfect aim. No he had to work hard and try to get where he was. Everyone likes a hard worker. Next is very typical of most heroes but people like the aspect because it shows how much he feels just like any normal person. That is his love, not his love for his people but the love he feels for Maid Marian. Romance is a loved and carefully thought over idea in our world and it was easy for him to love her even when he had to be away from her. The fact that he falls in love not only draw people for romance but also for the connection between us and the hero. My last reason is almost exactly why people love him. He gave up everything for the standards and truths he held and believed where right. To end I'd like to tell you this was not to discourage believing in yourself. Or saying you want to be like a hero, everyone should want to bee like one hero or another. No what is wrong and should be discouraged is expressing that longing but not acting upon it. If you want to be like a hero than start small. Start with the bullies and move upward from there. Put yourself in a place of power where you voice will be heard but willing to make sacrifices. The very last thing I would like to mention is that Robin fought in a war before he became Robin Hood. He knew the horrors that death and killing could bring, even more he knew what horrors anger and hatred did to people. Their lives, their family and all the people they came in contact with. You don't have to fight a war to understand that but you must be merciful or you might as well be a common thief or murder. You must be politically and socially aware of your world an it's going's-on's around you. Everything I have written about illustrates one very important thing. Something very important to me.

Robing Hood is a hero with out special abilities or powers. Just his own skill and love. He's more human than so many imagined heroes and if that's not a hero than I don't know what could ever be considered so.