Saturday, January 31, 2015

Homosexuality, the LDS Church, and the Conversation That Inspired This.

Okay, I've gotta say something. I don't do it often, and I don't really like to start it, but I need to talk about this real quick. There's a lot of conversation going on about the press conference that the LDS church held about the LGBT community and about their support of non-discriminate legislature, this is all as I understand it. There are a lot of conversations going on about the church speaking out on this, and many people have been saying that it is self-serving, hypocritical, and bigoted. And along with all of these conversations a lot of other things are being brought up. So I just wanna talk about it.
First off, I feel like there's something that everyone needs to understand. So hear me out. The church could NOT support the passing of legislature that made something the we feel to be immoral okay. HOWEVER, now that gay marriage is legal in all of the United States there is simply nothing that the LDS church can do. We have to live with the decisions that the people have made and that's one of them. BUT the church has frequently said that they care for the LGBT community (this is a website for just this, caring for the people of the church, who are also homosecxual), and encourage the church's members to be kind and accepting of them. I know that people aren't. I've seen it. Heck! I've probably been mean, and I hate that! I hate that I might have been unkind, even cruel, to something because of something so unimportant to me. I hate that I could have hurt someone because of something that made me uncomfortable. And it did. It made me very uncomfortable. But I'm over it. People are people, and I love them! I don't care who you're attracted to, and I don't care what your beliefs are as long as we can respect each other and be kind. So I know that no matter what the church has said, the members haven't always acted appropriately. Doctrine may be perfect, but the practice is not always so. People are imperfect and don't always do as they should. That doesn't excuse poor behavior, and it certainty doesn't excuse any kind of cruelty, but the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is not in the business of being cruel to anyone for anything. In case anyone wants the information, the Church does have an official page about homosexuality and same-sex attraction, here's the link. So I hope we're clear on that.
My stand on homosexuality? It's very much the same as my church. This is directly from the link I just put up.
The Church’s doctrinal position is clear: Sexual activity should only occur between a man and a woman who are married. However, that should never be used as justification for unkindness. 
I feel like everyone wants to have an excuse for their bad behavior. There isn't an excuse. There is never a good enough reason to be cruel or unkind.
Alright, one of the things that gets discussed in these conversations also leans towards....well I was gonna just start saying stuff and I need to be a little more real about this. I was looking at a specific conversation the other day that got me really riled up. Someone who I consider to be a very good friend shared her opinion on facebook. She's atheist, and that almost makes her the complete opposite of me where beliefs and religion are concerned. But we don't care. I really love her, I think she's incredible and I respect her so much for believing what she does and for defending it. So I'll be honest, I was kinda trolling this conversation and I watched as people's passions made them sound completely idiotic. People were horribly unkind to my friend for sharing her feelings, and that was so inappropriate.. I also feel that my faith was defended poorly, and incredibly misrepresented by members of the LDS church. But I'm not the kind of girl who just jumps into something like this. I wanted to present what I have to say with compassion and courtesy. So this is me, doing my best.
Back to the topic at hand, in this conversation people were saying that the church is "racist", and "sexist". I think that I'll be able to get through the racist one faster so we'll start there. The argument is always that our prophets were "incredibly racist" and of course that black men were not allowed the priesthood for some time. The members of the church are not racist. The doctrine and principles of the church are not racist. I've got another link for you here that talks specifically about race and the priesthood. Not allowing black members to attend the temple for their sacred ordinances, and not allowing men to receive the priesthood was NOT an easy thing for leaders of the church. They wanted to give them the opportunity to receive all the blessings of heaven. So when in 1978 President Spencer W. Kimball received the revelation that lifted this ban he, and the other members of the twelve and the seventy, were delighted. And while some people may have responded poorly to this change, the response from the general church membership was positive. Everyone wanted their neighbors, friends, and loved ones to have the added blessings, and closeness to God. And let me dispel a few things, NO we did not, and do not believe that African decent means that anyone was less valiant in the life before our lives here on earth. We don't think that, and we don't believe it. We are all children loved and known by our Father in Heaven. Remember the link if you want to do your own research on the matter. On my part, I don't know why this was the case. I have no clue why God conducted His church this way, but sometimes you have to accept what was done. I don't understand it, but it's over and done with. So let's all move on.
Let's talk about sexism. I am a woman in the LDS church. I do not feel discriminated against at all in the church. And I am so sorry for any woman who does. That is not the intention of our leaders, or our Father. Like I've said previously, people are not perfect. So sometimes we don't live the way we should. The biggest thing that bothered me was that someone claimed that to reach the highest degree of glory in the Celestial Kingdom a woman must "latch onto the coatails of a man". I don't want to be mean and I don't want to be angry. But this seriously upset me. In the following quote it explains a little about this.
"From another revelation to the Prophet Joseph, we learn that there are three degrees within the celestial kingdom. To be exalted in the highest degree and continue eternally in family relationships, we must enter into “the new and everlasting covenant of marriage” and be true to that covenant. In other words, temple marriage is a requirement for obtaining the highest degree of celestial glory. (See D&C 131:1-4.) All who are worthy to enter into the new and everlasting covenant of marriage will have that opportunity, whether in this life or the next."
As you can see it says nothing about women needing men, and men being able to receive it alone. Men and women must be sealed together in a temple of God, and a whole bunch of other stuff, to obtain the highest degree of glory. No one can reach this degree of glory without a partner with whom they are married to. There is a reason we cannot obtain this degree of glory alone. There is TONS of research you could do on this. Like a bunch, and this is a good place to do it. Right here! So please stop thinking that we're sexist. It's a very sensitive topic for me because in the past, at times, I did feel kind of inferior. I felt like my role was very little in the grand scheme of things and it bothered me for a long time. But I don't feel that way any more. I've learned a lot about who I am, and what my role is. I am not inferior to men, I'm not inferior to anyone. I'm me. And that makes me completely unique. No one has been, is, or ever will be me. So my role in this plan of life is completely unique, and no one can replace what I am here to do. And so for any woman who has ever felt like they were unimportant in Heavenly Father's plan know that you are vital. In so many ways God's plan could not succeed without you.

Alright, this has been long and arduous. I hope that I haven't hurt anyone's feelings. I also hope that I have explained my feelings clearly and kindly. Because I really love the people in my life, and I love meeting new people. And I don't want anyone to be upset with me. I value everyone's opinions and thoughts. So please feel free to discuss this with me. I am happy to talk to people about why I believe what I do, and to dispel any untrue things about the Church. Thank you all for reading with me, and caring enough to stick with it all the way to here. :)

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