Monday, June 3, 2013

Friends: A History

    So it's been a while, right. I haven't had much time to say everything that's been going on. Basically I want to express my gratitude and love for a glorious change in friends. Not really a change as much as an addition. I've always kind of had a hard time with friends. I didn't feel like I had any when I was younger until probably 6th grade. Then I thought I just had to coolest friends and looking back I realize that we probably didn't have a healthy relationship but that we helped each other progress and become who we are today so in short I am very grateful for them. They're wonderful and I still love them.
    However, we moved in 7th grade and I was livid. It wasn't that I didn't want to make more friends, it was just that I wasn't sure how and I didn't really think anyone would want to be my friend because I didn't think I was that cool. I went through a very brief stage where I thought no one was cool enough but then I went right back to thinking that no one would want to be my friend because I wasn't good enough to be anyone's friend.
    Last year I met this weird, weird girl in my foods class. We met, were in the same kitchen and pretty soon we were begging to be put in charge of washing and drying dishes so we could talk to each other. We didn't talk about really personal things or anything like that. To be honest, we loved super heroes. We talked about that a lot. We were incredibly similar in surprisingly different ways. Then summer came and we didn't talk too much. We still liked each other, like I still thought she was cool and I guess she still thought I was cool because school started again and we met up and we talked. We didn't have any classes together but I'd see her before school and at lunch. Pretty soon, I'm still not totally sure how, we became really good friends. We like to think of each other as best friends, if you'll indulge us. She introduced me to several amazing people who I love now. They are also quite weird but it was a pretty quick transition. Depending on how you count it, she introduced me to four or five incredible people who I am now very good friends with. I love them to pieces :) But it has been so good for me to have real friends. The type of friends that I want to spend time with. I'm always trying to do something with them because they're the first group of people that I feel I can be completely myself. I'm so grateful to them. They've made it an amazing year and I hope that they'll help me have a fabulous summer.
    This is the sort of post that I don't necessarily want the whole world to see but I just feel like I need to express my gratitude in some way. So to all of my friends, thanks :D