Friday, October 10, 2014

Loving Anyway

"Love they neighbor as thy self"
"Love one another, as I have loved you"

There is so much to every person. Do you ever just walk down a hallway or down the street and see all the the people around you and wonder "What's their story"? Because I do. There are BILLIONS of people on this planet, each one of us completely different and unique. Everyone with their own family and friends. Each person with their own love stories, tragedies, and trials. All of us just trying to get through one day at a time. Everyone of us dreaming and striving for something. Yet there is so much cruelty. I'm tired of it. I'm just tired of the pain we cause each other. I spoke with a woman on the train once who told me that one of the rules she taught her children with was "we don't hurt each other on purpose because we do that enough on accident". Why are we hurting each other? I'm religious, some of you may not be, and I follow Jesus Christ. He says the second great commandment is to "love they neighbor as they self". I don't care who you are, what you believe, what your political affiliations, you're a person. And people are deserving of love no matter what.
I'm not pro-gay marriage, and I don't support that lifestyle personally. But who am I to condemn and do judge? Who am I to tell someone that they cannot live the life they want, whether I agree or not? I don't agree with smoking, but you don't see people telling smokers that they're disgusting and unnatural and wrong and that no loves them. You don't see that. And I'm not saying we have to be okay with anything that others do, I'm just saying we should love them anyway. It's a different kind of love than the love you feel for your family and friends, but does that matter? I don't expect all of us to just magically be "okay" with things. And I don't think I will ever be made to change my mind that gay marriage is not of God, but the fact that I believe that does not give me, or anyone, the right to be cruel in anyway because someone is different from me. Just because I have a friend who's not LDS does not mean that she isn't a wonderful person who is just as deserving of my friendship and love as my friends are LDS. And just because I have family and friends that are gay does not ever mean that they are worth any less than family and friends that are not.
Personally, I feel like once I've loved people as much as Christ has is when I can start condemning them. Until then my job is to love.

"A person's a person"
-Dr. Suess