Thursday, October 14, 2010

Me and Alexander the Great

Well Marissa was telling us today about Alexander the Great.  And for the sake of my fingers we'll just call him Alex or Mr. Great.  He's awesome.  He was way cool and beside the fact that he killed people he was a really great person.Obviously the killing of people shouldn't be over looked but I'm going to over look it for now.  And lets just remember it was a time of war.  So Mr. Great was a determined and very fascinating person.  Very worth studying.  The story I wanted to touch on was one that comes from Alex's tenth year.
Alex was found once when he was ten crying in a room. When asked why he said that his father, Philip of Macedonia, would do all the great things and that there would be nothing great left for him to do.  We know this is not true as I call him Mr. Great. That he was so sad and worried about this is endearing to me. I'll admit, I think it's kind of sweet in a weird, glory-seeker way.  But it's really what made me like listening to Marissa's stories about him.  He was a child who had worries and fears too. Abet less odd, well hopefully.
I'm decided that Alex and I are not very much a like except that I think we both like him.  We think he's pretty cool. But as I was thinking about this I realized this story relates to me a lot.  I'm just like that, I worry that I wont be able to do anything great.  Obviously I'm not going to rule a country or build an awesome empire but I do want to make a difference.  I want to change things and do something truly "Great".  I don't know all of Mr. Great's reasoning but I know mine.  Maybe his were similar, but I doubt it.  His idea of great and my idea are two very separate things.  He wants to own the world and  I just want to teach the world a lesson.  If Alex were alive today I don't think he and I'd be friends.  People seeking for glory aren't really that realatable to me.  But just maybe the was really just a Greatness seeker.  Then we might get along.
I really like Alex and he's got a cool name that goes right along with his determination and perseverance.  Seven months putting sand into the water to make a bridge to an island.  If that's not shear determination then I will never here of it.  Alexander the Great was named properly.  He was Great.

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