Monday, October 21, 2013

A Judgment Call

          There's a girl who sits next to me in choir and between her and the boy sitting beside her I'm terrified of life. They talk about people and are so cruel! Often when I complain about these sorts of things I have friends who say things like "That's just the way it is," and I refuse to accept that! People should be better than that. Don't they want to be?
          The girl tells her friend how it's so awful that this boy across the room sings so loud because he's clearly tone deaf and how the girl a couple rows in front of us is a "whore" because of some very flimsy evidence. And it really disgusts me but it also frightens me. What might they think of me? When I'm not in class or when they aren't sitting beside me again what do they say? Do I even want to know? Do I really care?
          There's just something about it that leaves me sitting still and stiff during choir because I don't want to receive their judgment. And it's people like them that not only give our entire age group a bad reputation but they're also the people who end up bitter and unhappy. And where does this horrible desire of theirs come from where they want to say these terrible things about their peers? And why is it that the ones they say these things are the ones who are wacky? Crazy, nerds, theater geeks, loud, kind of annoying, and totally okay with themselves? Perhaps it's not the boy across the room or the girl a few rows in down that have the problem. They're both laughing and talking to lots of people who like them. So could it be that the problem lies with the two sitting beside me? Are they the ones who need to look closer at themselves? Isn't there something said about fixing the world from the inside out? Start with yourself and move outward? "He who is without sin cast the first stone." Isn't that what Christ said?
          So I guess the point here is me saying that I didn't like it. I didn't like what they were saying and I was even more displeased with myself for not telling them that I happened to be friends with the "tone deaf" boy and the quite kind girl in front of us. Start with yourself and let others follow but don't judge them because they do things differently. And certainly don't judge them for loving themselves and the life that they have.

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