Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Talented

The definition for talented is: a special natural ability or aptitude. And the definition for talented is:having talent or special ability; gifted. 

Well this is an interesting post. It started out as something I was going to vent into and then it just sat here for like a year and a half. It all started because someone dissed on Michale Phelps. I was trying to defend him in some way from the things that boys in my 8th grade math class had said but I couldn't figure out what I was going to say. I was stuck, having a hard time getting past the terrible things he had done to himself and the example he shouldn't have set for the rest of the world. Well it wasn't until just recently that I figured out what it is that I like  about this swimmer. He's talented. Before I go on I want to clarify what I've said about Michale Phelps so that no one gets the wrong  idea, I don't condone the things he's done. I think that they're awful but I can enjoy his talent. Talent is something I feel like I don't have more often than not because mine are more subtle than other peoples. The thing that helped me figure this out was watching my brothers basketball team and the way I treated him and how I wanted to treat the team. Well I care about people but when I don't know people I like to find reasons to like them anyway. So it's really easy for me to find reason to like the basketball team because they're talented. They're incredible. Okay, not quite collage level but I can't do what they do and they have a "special" or "natural ability" for the game. I stink at it! I love that they love what they do and I don't want to see that go away. 
One of things that makes me the happiest with myself is when I do something I love to do. Something you could say is my "passion." You might not say that high school boys are filled with the most "passion" for what they do but some of them are going to grow up and play professionally. I know my brother wants to do that so you could definitely say that he has a passion for playing basketball. And when people get up to play professionally and do things in the Olympics are (or should be) passionate about what they're doing. I hate to see something that beautiful and admirable leave a person. I want to do anything I can to preserve that in those people who are talented. And there are so many talents that people possess in this world that it's amazing! And some people are more talented than others but it shouldn't ever discredit any persons talent. And some talents are so different too! Like one of my brothers is great with politics while the other who's not so great in that area but still good is better with people and the like. I have one sister who loved to take care of people and help them so she made it her profession. But then there are the people who may be good with people but are not as good as them and would rather use a talent of theirs like being able to play an instrument. I have cousins who can sing beautifully and others who can play instruments like I could never dream of doing. It's amazing and wonderful and somehow I can appreciate that others have gifts like this rather than being envious of them. My talents don't exactly lie in any of the categories I've talked about, music, sports, or in dealing with people, but that doesn't mean that I don't have talents that can be recognized. Everyone has talents all their own if they only look for them. But my advice is not to spend to much time worried about your own talents and enjoy everyone else's because that's when I find myself having the most fun. When other people share their talents and thanking them for it. How ever that may be, if you tell someone they sounded great when they sing or when they have a recital. If it's telling them they played a game well or whatever, thanking them is something that almost everyone can appreciate. It should just be done but unfortunately for me it's one of the hardest things for me to do. Just a simple "thank you" to someone I don't know can practically kill me. But you know what, I do it anyway. It's really important to me to let people know that I was pleased because of something they did. I just think that talents are awesome and I know they're hard work, everything is, but I think they are so worth it! So be one of the talented but be one in your own way. You don't have to be like anyone else if you don't want to be.   

1 comment:

  1. Hey Emma, I liked what you posted. I think there is something in all of us that appreciates talents and God-given gifts and I think we gain an increased respect and awe towards those individuals when we see that they have dedicated themselves to the development of their talents. That being said I think there is far too little acknowledgment of and appreciation for those gifts and "talents" that aren't necessarily talent show worthy. Meaning those that you can't publicly display. Such as people who are great speakers or writers or those who are amazing friends and have a gift for loving and making others feel accepted or people that are wise and always know just the thing to say in every situation (that's the gift I wish I had) or people that are always optimistic. Now as much as we all would probably love to play a musical instrument or be able to create some kind of art I think the development of our spiritual gifts is a pursuit even more valuable and often much more difficult. But, just as the scriptures say every person is given a gift (or multiple gifts) that all may be profited thereby. I think that is the blessing of any gift or talent...the ability to serve and bless the lives of others. I also think that is why we joy in seeing the expression of talent because it shows the divinity in all of us and inspires us to try a little harder and to make more of our lives.
