Saturday, May 14, 2011


I think it's an interesting word; dream. What does it even mean, really? The dictionary definition is as follows; Dream-noun, a secession of images thoughts or emotions passing through the mind during sleep. That's not exactly what I think when I think of dreams, but then sometimes it is. When I talk about my dreams they're always my great goals in life. And I get the feeling that people think I'm a little nuts for having dreams that are so vivid behind my eyes. I can see my dreams like I've never seen anything in my life. I'm totally sure what will happen when I get to do and be what I want but I can't wait. It's going to be perfect, I'm sure of it. I worry that someone will tell me that my dreams aren't up to par. That I need to have a better dream for myself. I don't think that will ever happen . I like my dreams just the way they are. But for me my dreams are really only goals for my life time.
I've seen people who dream. They are very much like the definition. But to me there are a few different types of dreaming. There's the actually action of dreaming while you sleep at night, or I guess you could take a nap and dream too. Any way another type of dreaming is the common daydreaming, I've seen that one happen a lot. Kids enjoy this one while they're in math or science. Anything is better than those classes. Another type of dreaming is like mine, goals you make for your life. Generally those goals are things that we tend to love, that we want to do. Those dreams are something you want to aspire to. I like this kind.
But every person has a different dream. I want to someday be a great author. I want to do something great for the whole world. But then there's my brother who wants to play in the NBA. I think that's crazy but if that's what he wants to do then good for him. I was sitting on the steps of the stage in my school yesterday. I was looking up at the bright lights and was reminded of those scenes in movies where they imagine themselves preforming on the stage and being great. My first thought was, I am so glad that's not my dream. Silly, I know, but I really am. It's not me. If it was my dream I wouldn't be the person that I am. I don't want everyone to watch me while I live my life. I don't want to be the center of attention for anyone. I just want to write my books and have young kids like me ask for my advice. I want to share all of my great ideas and my view of the world, and people. I can hardly wait. Everyone has a dream. I know what mine is, what's yours?

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