Saturday, September 17, 2011

"Don't you Remember" by Adele

"When will I see you again?
You left with no good bye, not a single word was said"
There are some people in everyone's life who change. Everyone changes but some people change into someone or something you just can't recognize. Something so different from your life style that you just don't know how to be around them. And you'll try, and try, and try to be with them. To make this person who you love, a part of your life but for reasons that you just can't ever explain it just never seems to work. Something always messes it all up. Sometimes you can see the person that they were come back to the surface but that never stays. You can't help but feel like they've just left you. They leave without a single word, not even a good bye to the person that they are and you never get to seem them again. 
"But don't you remember? Don't you remember?
The reasons you loved me before"
Sometimes this person who changes in your life really is someone that you love. You love them and you think that they love you. But you're just never sure no matter how many times you try to dispel your doubt. It's always left to be questioned. For most people there seems to be a breaking point. There's just this part of them that can't handle that person any more and they have to do something. Anything to cope with it. Some people might get angry but we all know that anger is a secondary emotion. After the anger come the tears so hurt, frustration, pain, sadness. 
"When was the last time you thought of me?
Or have you completely erased me from your memory"
These people in our lives make us feel forgotten and useless to them. Our existence in their lives seem completely pointless. When they do remember us sometimes we wish that they hadn't. Sometimes their rememberings are worse than forgetting about us all together. Sometimes we do wish that we could be completely erased from someone's memory but there always seems to be a part of me that could never really want to be totally forgotten even when the pain has been blown right through your heart and all the way to your soul. 
"I gave you space so you could breath.
I kept my distance so you would be free.
And hope you find the missing piece
To bring you back to me."
Everyone forever tells you that there's always hope for any person that you might not feel hope for. Can I just say that I am so sick of hearing that sort of thing come out of peoples' mouths. What if I just don't want to feel hope any more? What if I just want to give up? What if I just don't want to have hope right then? Don't I have the right to feel a little despair? How come people can't just hold you and let you cry or rant or scream or scowl? Why don't people ever let us feel and do what we want instead of holding us into the confines of social acceptance? No one is ever there to let you get everything out of your system when you're alone in your bedroom. That's when girls cry the most. When no one can see them or hear them. At night after everyone is asleep the curl up on their beds and cry. What's wrong with the world that our pain and sorrow isn't acceptable to show in public or even with just another person? Why does everyone want you to have so much hope and cheer all the time? Why can't we all just feel our pain when it comes instead of having people push it to the side telling us that we aren't allowed to be heartbroken and in pain?
"I had no idea of the state we were in"
With people like this it's hard to know where everything stands because they change so fast that you can almost see it happening. And if I could say that line any way I wanted I would say 'of the state you were in' instead of we because you should always know your own state of being. I hope you do know. I pray that people will know who they are. Sometimes there are people who just don't know who or where they are. 
"...please remember me once more."

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