Saturday, August 3, 2013

So Much Bigger On the Inside

Idris: Are all people like this?
Doctor: Like what?
Idris: So much bigger on the inside!

    Many of you know, many of you don't, that I have become quite the Doctor Who fan. To all of you who haven's seen it, I recommend it. This is a couple lines from one of my very favorite scenes. It's like the very first reason I was ever drawn to the show, another quote, of the inspiring variety. There are so many things I love about Doctor Who but one of the things I love most is when there's a moment that says so much more than people realize and probably so much more than the writers intended to say. This scene is one of the most beautiful and this woman, Idris, is not just an ordinary woman. As I'm sure you've gathered. However, she finally, in all her years of traveling with the Doctor, is able to speak her mind. All she wants to do the entire episode is say "hello" to this Doctor that she's come to love very much. But she's overwhelmed with so many other things. Being stuck in human form for one.
    The real reason I loved this part so much was because a few episodes later the Doctor uses this as an insult when he tells a villain that they are "so much smaller on the inside". To me that speaks of character. What Idris was experiencing was what it feels like to be a person, to be human. And she hadn't expected there to be so much inside of such a small creature.
    We are small. People look up at the sky and marvel at how tiny we must be in God's vast universe. Galaxies and worlds with creations beyond number. How do we ever feel anything but small? Then I remember the first quote that drew me to the Doctor.

"Do you know, in 900 years of time and space I've never met anyone who wasn't important." 

    It was one of those nights when you feel so alone, so tired of everything in life, and suddenly it's like you're given this great, glorious gift from God to fix your very temporal need. But He loved you enough to help you anyway. And that's how this quote came to me, when I needed it desperately. That's also how the tv show came to me.
    Now back to the quote up top. Feel free to read it again and keep thinking about it. I'm about to tell you why I love it so much. This quote is speaking of the human heart and mind, emotion and thought, even our godly capacities. We could be so much! We have such potential!! And we are not as small as we may seem to others or ourselves. No. On the contrary, we are far bigger on the inside. We tell each other everyday of our ability to do whatever we want so long as we "put our mind to it". How then can we ever say that anyone is small? That anyone is ever unimportant?
    No. No, in God's vast universe that we all look at in wonder we are very, very important. We are all so much bigger on the inside. Remember, everyday, when you have to make the choice, remember what you can be. What you are. And please, please remember that you are so, so much bigger that all of that.

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