Monday, August 19, 2013


     Words are  a very powerful thing. At least I've heard it said and I've been thinking about why I've always believed that to be true. I'm a writer, or at least I try to be, and with every word you craft your message. Every word tells something about you, the way you express yourself tells a lot about who you are. I'm of the opinion that every person expresses themselves through some art form. I have a good friend who paints and draws. She very literally expresses herself through art. There are a lot of people who write music and that's their way of expression. Some people speak. Doesn't sound like an art? Think about the last time you spoke in public, it's an art. But now I'm all off track, let's come back. I like to use the written word to express myself, as I'm sure you've gathered. Recently I've been thinking about the things I say and what I write and what ever single word does for me and for everyone around me. Then on the way to the Temple the other day I discovered Christian music on the radio. It was delightful. But I also discovered the song Words by Hawk Nelson. And it kind of struck me. Made me think.

     At the very beginning of this song he talks about what words can make you feel. Like a prisoner, a criminal, set free, a king. He says

"Words can build you up, words can break you down, start a fire in our heart, or put it out."

I've seen it with words. What they can do to people, do to all of us. And we need to be careful with our words, but more importantly than just being careful with our words we need to commit to using our words to benefit as many people as we come into contact with.. My favorite part of this song is his line,

"I don't want to say a word unless it points the world back to you."

     And I guess I like that because it's kind of how I feel. I worry about my words and what they'll mean to people, but I don't want to speak unless I can be the representative of Christ that I know I want to be. I haven't always been a good example of using your words in the best way, of pointing to God with my words. But I want to be. I want to exclaim to all the world what I know to be true and I want to speak the words of God. One of the most wonderful girls I've ever met received her mission call this last week and she is so excited to go and to preach the gospel to everyone she meets. But, like they tell you in primary, you don't have to be a missionary to do missionary work. Every word we say should show the world the kind of people we are and what we stand for and who stands behind us. Our words should show the world who we promise to represent. In all that we do, I hope that we try to point our peers, our friends, our neighbors, our co-workers, and the strangers that we come into contact with to Christ. Even for people who don't believe as I do, I hope they believe in whatever they believe strongly enough that they want to share it with the world. Because that's how it should be isn't it? If you have this amazing message of joy and happiness, shouldn't you be dying to tell the world? I want to share it with the world. And right now, while I'm still in high school, I'm going to try to share it with the world through my words.

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