Wednesday, September 25, 2013

My Favorite Thing About Endings

             I don't handle endings very well. I don't like them. They're just so sad. It's taken me a long time but I know now that all things need to end. People can't live forever and stories can't go on after they've been told. It's just not the way the world works. Everything eventually ends. Every books has a happily ever after. Every day has a good night. Every life has a good bye. And every sunrise has a sunset. Every fire leaves it's ashes. The point is that everything ends. There's nothing you can do about it.
             But fortunately for us, every books tells it's story, every day has a good morning. For every death their is new life. And every sunset has a sunrise. Every fire leaves long enough for what was destroyed to be rebuilt. The end is bitter sweet. There's pain in every good bye but there's also hope. You'll see them again. Good byes are never final. I was thinking today, while I was laying on the floor in the sunshine, that afternoons are my favorite. I realized that they are also kind of sad. They're the end of something great. But what if the day hadn't been great? Wouldn't the afternoon and evening be a welcome occurrence? So I suppose that it's all about perspective when it comes to whether something is happy or sad. If someone has been suffering then wouldn't it make them happy to go, to be free of pain? Wouldn't it make someone happy to see a sad story end well? The important thing here is that endings are in actuality a good thing. They can be painful and sad but they can also be happy and so full of joy. Personally, I struggle with endings. I don't want things to end. I never want summer to end. But that's not because I love the summer so much. It's mostly because that's when I get to do things with family. I never want to stop spending time with all the people I love, my family, my friends. I would love for the times we get to be together to continue on forever.
             However, with the end of summer comes the start of school. Of new experiences and new friends. The end of so much focused time with family leaves me a little more time for friends, and the end of time with friends leaves time for family. Endings always have a transition period, there's the pain and the heartache but then there's this wonderful time where you start to love what's come of that ending. They way things have changed turns out to be a beautiful thing, the sort of thing you just can't take your eyes off of and your heart never let's go of.
             When I started high school I joined the school newspaper. I was thrilled. It was going to be the most amazing experience! I was going to write and people were just going to love me! I was going to be the best and it would be what I was truly known for in high school. Well a month or two into the class I realized very quickly that I wasn't going to make friends there and I wasn't going to be able to be myself. I felt incredibly uncomfortable and the other students were just plain mean and did kind of disgusting things. So I quite the newspaper. It was probably one of the hardest things I'd done up to that point in my life, I was terrified to tell my incredibly intimidating teacher that I was leaving. I left. That was the end of my newspaper dreams. And I can't tell you how alone and completely afraid I felt to try something I'd never thought about. It was horrifying for me. But then I somehow ended up in a foods class. Cooking? It wasn't really my thing but I hadn't known what else to do! This is how I ended up meeting my best friend and how I decided I wanted to major in culinary arts. It all started here, with an exciting adventure gone all wrong. By the ned of the newspaper I was starting a new adventure that I hadn't even anticipated. And oh, how wonderful it was.
             There's never a real ending. As my sweet sister said a while ago "Life is just a bunch of adventures stacked up next to each other," and she was so, so right. With then end of one adventure you begin another one. You never know what's just around the corner.
           My favorite thing about endings are beginnings.

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