Friday, November 27, 2009

My dream - Taylor Swift

I had the strangest dream last night. It was crazy, there were lots of funny things about it and very weird things but there was also something kind of telling of me in it. I was with my mom traveling and stuff. I'm not entirely sure what we were doing but it was incredible, so weird. We ended up some place and there was this big old thing about Taylor Swift being there. I go real excited but my mom and I we were stuck in traffic big time so I decided that I'd have to hop out and I picked up a bike to ride there fast. Some how I knew it was Taylor's. I got there and it was jam - packed but I had her bike and she was real confused because she couldn't find it. I walked up to her and apologized for having to take her bike. Being my dream she didn't mind but we hugged and I felt loved. She came with me and my mom to our hotel. She stayed with us and I got to ask her all about this stuff. I asked her about Taylor Lautner. Surprisingly in my dream she's not sure she wants to keep dating him, she actually was getting ready to break up with him. Being the good friend I told her to do what she felt was right. It was really interesting but the whole time she was part of my dream I felt cared for. Then she left because she had some more places to visit and then she was going to go break up with Taylor Lautner. Then my mom and I went home and that took a while. But when we got home I told it to my sister Marissa and she was all enthusiastic and all, it was great, then that was all I could remember of my dream. There are a few things in this dream that told me a little about myself. None being anything about Taylor Lautner. Now I think the first thing is that I would absolutely love to meet a stare. Especially Taylor Swift or a Disney channel star, I would just die to do that. It would be like a dream come true for me. So I really want to meet a star, especially Taylor Swift. The second thing is that I love giving advice but I don't take it very often. I love to give it because it's something I love, helping people. The last thing about my dream that has taught me about myself is that when I love something it never really gets old. I haven't listened to Love Story for the longest time and my sister Marissa said that she hated it so subconsciously I was trying to do that to. Not any more. Today, right now as I write I'm listening to it and all of my worries and frustrations are melting away because I truly love this song. I truly love my family but they aren't completely dependable and completely constant like a song is. My family can annoy me to the ends of my days but if I really and truly love something and it never changes I will always love it. So that's what I've learned about myself today.

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