Monday, March 19, 2012

Four Offenders and A Victim

I've heard people say that there are two sides to every story. The good, the bad.The happy, the sad. The lighthearted, the serious. There's always a different perspective and new view to explore.

I've heard that there are two sides to every person. 

I disagree.

There are so many more sides to a person. It's easy to categorize them all under good or bad. But there will always be so much more to people then the simple black and white of it all. There are parts of a person that will be hidden from the world for a whole lifetime. Parts of people are those that determine so much of who a person is. Who they once were and who they will become. 

Recently I had a sort of confusion. Something that I believe some of my select relations may not agree with. There is a strong sense of justice in the world around me while outside of those circles there tends to be a lack of justice. A disregard for it even. While I don not believe in disregarding something so unique and precious, so forgotten and misused, I do not fall into a category that feels so passionately about it that they see little else in people. 

Personally I like to believe the best in people as frequently as I can. There is so much to a person then what is presented to you in one meeting. A passing glance that they might not even recall. When my peers act in ways I don't understand I try to learn from them. To find why they act as they do. I've found that desire to learn form them lacking as the school year is beginning to settle and release us for those three glorified months.

I was disturbed by a situation. 

A situation in which one was extremely wronged by others. However, when the situation turned for the worst (it was already bad, traumatizing and detrimental to say the least) the majority of the Offenders retreated. Ran for cover, for a temporary escape while one remained. One who had not participated in their actions, while not preventing they participant's actions, stayed to help the Victim. When the Offender and Victim were found the Offender did nothing in way of defence. Only let them take him away while help was rushed to this Victim. The Victim, although awake through it all and in excruciating pain saw the redeeming qualities of a person who, although they had put this Victim in pain, had tried to make it right afterwards. There was a reason for forgiveness and this person found that they wanted to give their forgiveness willingly. The Victim kept telling their guardian that they wanted to make a statement to the police and the courts. He'd done nearly nothing wrong. It was alright. He was okay. This Offender was rushed away as if a danger, he looked back with only regret for what had happened. What he had done. The Victim stared on, hoping against all odds that perhaps their words would soften the blow that was inevitably coming for the four offenders. 

The beauty of someone wanting to forgive and help someone who had so readily hurt them in magic. There was regret felt by this Offender but there was no taking back the actions that the Offenders committed. They were, as so many things in life are, irrevocable. The pain and repercussions of these Offenders' actions will follow them for years and perhaps, if you believe in that way, the life to come. While this kind, forgiving, and compassionate Victim would only live through the most public of parts in their lives. None of the participants would ever feel as pure or as clean as the Victim could someday feel after all was said and done. When words were done and when all that would be left was the reflection of a very bad memory, a cruel joke gone very very bad. There was little chance the Offenders would make it to a clear conscience in their lifetime. 

There is some loss in justice when someone, someone who is as guilty of the crime as others, is left holding the bag because they stayed to help. To try to fix what they had defiled and deprecated. There was no fixing what was broken and burned down but no one ever said that trying couldn't help. 

While there might not be justice from a world stand point, were it must not be deserved, it will not be the end. 
In my eyes there is a greater justice in the fourth Offender being able to overcome the tragic event and to be able to live with a clear mind and conscience. Where the other Offenders will not, should not, ever be allowed to live without the guilt and consequences of their horrific and heinous acts. That is the greatest justice that this world can offer. Knowing that you are clear and free in your heart and soul may make your mind go mad while imprisoned unjustly but there is no freedom like that of knowing that you have been true. Have been honest and have done all you could do. 
Knowing that you are not guilty of all the crimes committed. 

So Justice. Mercy. Grace. Life. Love. Forgiveness and Compassion. Things that we can only try to give and things that only God will always grant. 

I guess the point was to express troubled thoughts I've had so I would admonish all readers to put it aside if they do not understand. Some things are not easily understood because there are too many sides to a person to truly understand them through something so simple as a few carefully written words. 

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