Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Helaman 2:9

"....And he ran and told Helaman all the things
which he had seen, and heard, and done...."

    You guys know how much I love to talk but I REALLY want to talk about this. In case you're unfamiliar with what's happening in this chapter this servant just killed the assassin, Kishkumen, who was about to kill Helaman (the new chief judge). But this guy is SO smart! He doesn't hide it or worry about it because weather he's done something wrong or not he goes to tell Helaman what's happened. And he doesn't just take his time or try to schedule it into his day, no, he RUNS to Helaman. Now take that principle out of the scriptures and apply it to life.
    When you make a mistake don't just think about how and when you'll go to the Lord, run to Him. When you're scared, nervous, anxious, worried, anything really, run. Run to the Lord and tell him all the things you have seen, heard, and done.
     I can't tell you how many times I've begun telling Him everything I've seen or heard that has bothered me and it always leads to telling Him everything I've done. Not only does He want to hear about it all, but like Helaman's reaction, God will help you. He will take the next step. Going to Him was the right decision. Run to where you need to be, run to make yourself clean, run to find peace, and don't hesitate or try to talk yourself out of it. Run to the Lord and you will always find what you need.

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