Sunday, February 2, 2014

Come Back With The Story Of Your Life

Life's a lovely thing, isn't it? I like it. most the time :) The thing is, life is supposed to be wonderful and brilliant and perfect and you're supposed to be happy. And I know a lot of us aren't. For me so much of it is what I learn about the world the older I get. The more I learn the more I long to either have the power to change it, or the ability to return to my childhood innocence when I thought all the world was as happy as I was.
"When you're a kid they tell you it's all...grow up, get a job, get married, get a house, have a kid, and that it'. But the truth is the world is SO much stranger than that. It's so much darker, and so much madder. And so much better."

I feel like that quote is just....perfect? Yeah, I think that's what I want. Because the world can be a dark place and it can be strange and scary and terrible. But oh how beautiful it can be too! There can be so much joy and so much beauty if we just look for it and if we just try. I know it's there and better yet, I know it's there for us! It wasn't put there just by chance but it was put there for us to see, and use, and love, and to make us feel like there's hope and happiness even in the landscapes and sunsets, and stars, and it was made to be perfect for us.
But let's not forget our part. We can't just expect to be happy all the time and for things to be perfect and sometimes even when we're having a brilliant adventure we're not necessarily happy and excited and in love with what we're going through or what we're doing. But we have to explore, we have to try things out and we have to embrace all of our adventures because that's how we live!

It's like this quote. Some people really do live more in twenty years than others in eighty! And it's true that it's not at all about how much or how little time we have, it's about the things we're doing and the people we're spending that time with. I know that for myself I've seen that I don't always look back on the day and think "Wow that was so much fun!"and those are the days that I realize I need to re-evaluate myself and what I was doing because I shouldn't have to have days that I'm not happy with. Every night I want to crawl into bed feeling completely exhausted from the emotional, physical, spiritual, and intellectual fun I've had. Everyday should be packed full of things we'll never regret. And so we should all spend each day with people we love to be with. I know that there are teenagers out there thinking "But I have to go to school everyday."And I wanna be like "THEN LEARN TO LOVE THE PEOPLE YOU GO TO SCHOOL WITH!!"I mean, after all, you can't dislike them all. There must be someone you like and think is super cool. It just takes a little looking and a little of being the kind of friend you'd like to have and in no time at all you'll find people who don't bother you so much as you think everyone does. Life is meant to be lived and you can decide what that means for you personally, but for me that means loving each day. Sometimes I don't, it's a work in progress, and it's a goal that I haven't quite reached, but it's the attempts that are success, not the completion of the goal. Plus I don't think I'll ever really be done with this goal. I've got so much to do in my life and I want to live every moment of it until I look back and have stories to tell.
One time, my sister and I were talking and she told me that for a little while she'd try to go out in the mornings  and come home at night with a story to write down in her journal. If everyday of your life you had a new story to tell, oh, think of how glorious those stories would turn out to be.
So don't forget to live. There's still so much life left in each and every day. Don't be discouraged and don't stop trying, because you'll come back with an even greater story to tell then you'd ever thought you'd find. You'll have the story of your life.

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