Sunday, April 13, 2014

Hang In There

"You are going to do great things. Hang in there."
This is something my brother recently told me. Life doesn't get easier. That's what I've been discovering. It's always going to be something that I'll have to fight for. I've met a lot of people (very recently) who have been really helping me without their really trying. They've been amazing. There's this specific boy who has struggled with something kind of similar to what I'm struggling with right now and he doesn't even know how much he's helped me these last few weeks just by being himself. He's one of those people who just lights up the room when he walks in. Just the thought of him makes you smile, and knowing about his struggles has given me a lot of courage with facing my own. He is already doing great things, because he hung in there. He doesn't know anything about what I'm dealing with, but he hasn't needed to to make my life better, easier, and happier. I'm really grateful to him. And I'm so grateful to all the people in my life and in the lives of others who do this. Who, just by being themselves, make someone else's burdens lighter. It's a gift, and such a blessing. We should never forget to be grateful for the seemingly small things. This boy I've been talking about has no idea what he's done for me but this is kind of my way of thanking him. All the little things people do, those are the things that will change lives, and change the world for the better. We should fill our lives with people like this, and strive to be that kind of person. At least I'd like to be that kind of person, because what could possibly be a better blessing then helping someone because I chose to be who I already am. So thank you, to all of you who are good down to your souls and who improve my life. Thank you for hanging in there through your struggles and being here to help me through mine, even when you don't try to. Thank you.

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