Sunday, March 9, 2014

Truth and Second Chances

I met this boy while I was spending time with my cousin. (I know, my cousin again. But I learn a lot with her so I have to talk about it.) I have had the opportunity to talk with him one on one on several different occasions. I have found him to be, like most people, flawed. But his virtues far outweigh his faults. I have found that he's delightfully charming. As far as I can tell he's quite kind, considerate, he means well, and most importantly I've come to see that his heart is in the right place. He wants to be his best and he is continually trying to improve himself.
There are those, however, who associate with my cousin and with this boy and they don't speak highly of him. I was surprised....even a little shocked by their general dislike towards him. And I asked my cousin "Have they ever actually talked to him face to face because I don't understand where they're coming from?".
Let's step away for a moment. In church today we talked about bullying. And I hate bullying. It seems common sense to me that you just treat people with kindness and respect no matter who they are or what they do. It's not our place to judge or to discipline. Our only role is to be Christ-like to all those we come in contact with. The brother who was speaking talked a little about how we often label people when we don't really understand them. We haven't really talked to them or we only know about them through rumors and gossip. You can not judge people based on another's experience. You do not know what that person is struggling with or what their relationship with God is. It's not your place.
So, pulling it all together, I don't understand these high school age kids who "know" this boy. They talk about him and I wonder if they met the same boy I did. The flawed, yet kindhearted and thoughtful young man. It's bizarre to me and sad. Here is this boy who is really quite amazing, and they ignore him or take him for granted because they have never taken the time to know him.
I'm of the opinion that all people have something wonderful and beautiful to offer the world and how could you ever want to miss out on something that could enrich your life simply because you listened to someone else's opinion. Or because you heard a rumor. Or even because that person was unkind on one occasion. Second chances and truth should be your mindset. Upon the event of hearing about someone weather talk of them be bad or good, take it upon yourself to meet them, talk to them. When you approach a person willing to understand them and care about them, they will respond in kind.

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